26 Oktober 2023, 09:50 | Bookkeeping, Kabar Desa, Majelis Ta'lim, MUI Desa, PKK Desa
admindesa-Safari Ramdhan 1443 Hijriyah Kecamatan Pamarican yang bertempat di Masjid DKM Attumaninah Dusun Tamansari Desa Kertahayu menjadi terasa berbeda. Pasalnya kegiatan bulan Ramadhan tingkat Kecamatan ini dihadiri pula oleh Rombongan TP PKK Kabupaten Ciamis yang...16 September 2022, 17:23 | Bookkeeping
Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master’s in economics from... 22 Juli 2022, 09:35 | Bookkeeping, Kabar Desa, Kader Posyandu, PKK Desa, Potensi Desa, Wisata
Kertahayu-Kader Kesehatan atau Kader Posyandu Desa Kertahayu melakukan Rekreasi ke Wisata Alam Baturaden Jawa Tengah. Rombongan yang dipimpin langsung oleh Ketua PKK sekaligus ketua Kader Posyandu Desa Kertahayu berangkat dari Desa Kertahayu sekitar pukul 05.00 WIB,...13 Juli 2022, 16:52 | Bookkeeping
If a company issued a 5% stock dividend, your shares would increase by 5%. If you previously had 1,000 shares in the company, you would now have 1,050 shares. Investors do not have a choice between receiving a cash or stock dividend as it is the decision of the... 24 Juni 2022, 17:59 | Bookkeeping
Incremental Cost, in the field of finance and business, refers to the total change that a company experiences within its balance sheet due to one additional unit of production. For instance, a company merger might reduce overall costs of because only one group of...